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Court Orders


Motor Vehicle Court Order Fee: $100

The value of the Vehicle Must Be Less Than $5,000

Your Affidavit Must Contain the Following Information:

1. The current owner of the vehicle, name and address.

2. The date the vehicle was acquired.

3. Who was the vehicle acquired from and their last known address?

4. How much was this vehicle purchased for and was it paid in full?

5. Has the vehicle remained lien free?

6. Description of the vehicle including year and VIN number.

7. The circumstances why this documentation is not available.

8. The affidavit must be notarized.

9. You must acquire a physical inspection of the vehicle from the Louisiana State Police verifying ownership. INSPECTIONS ON VEHICLES AND TRAILERS Louisiana State Police, Troop E, 1710 Odom Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 PHONE: (318) 487-5911 FAX: (318) 487-5010 2600

10. Bring the notarized affidavit, bill of sale and state police inspection to the Justice of the Peace’s office to obtain a court order. The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles will not accept a Court Order issued if no proof of ownership is provided (abandoned vehicles). You must obtain a Judgment from a District Court or contact a Sheriff regarding a “Sheriff’s” or Judicial Sale.

11. Once the request is accepted by the office of the Justice of the Peace, no refunds can be issued. There is no guarantee that a Court Order will be issued in this case. It takes a minimum of 3 weeks for a response to be issued to the Justice of the Peace’s office from the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles. 



 Boat Owner Recognition Court Order Fee: $50

The value of the Boat Must Be Less Than $5,000

Your Affidavit Must Contain the Following Information:

1. The current owner of the vehicle, name and address.

2. The date the boat was acquired.

3. Who was the boat acquired from and their last known address?

4. How much was this boat purchased for and was it paid in full?

5. Has the boat remained lien free?

6. Description of the vehicle including year and HULL ID number usually found on the transom of the boat.

7. Pictures of boat sides of the boat, the front and the back.

8. The circumstances why this documentation is not available.

9. The LA registration number usually found on both sides of the boat.

9. The affidavit must be notarized.

10. Bring the notarized affidavit, bill of sale and pictures to the Justice of the Peace’s office to obtain a court order. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will not accept a Court Order issued if no proof of ownership is provided. 

11. Once the request is accepted by the office of the Justice of the Peace, no refunds can be issued. There is no guarantee that a Court Order will be issued in this case.

Justice of the Peace Patrice T. Harper


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